Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Where's Jesse?

A few weeks ago, Dave Lenihan, a talk show host in St. Louis, referred to Condoleeza Rice as a “coon”.

When asked in an interview if she was surprised this kind of stuff still happens in America, Rice responded, “My understanding is that he apologized, that he didn't mean it…I accept that [the apology], because we all say things from time to time that we shouldn't say or didn't mean to say. And so I accept it."

She continued, "Anyone who says that we haven't come a very, very long way and that for the most part Americans interact with each other as Americans, I think is also not giving you the full picture."

That’s amazing in itself, the class and dignity of this woman. But I have just one question, WHERE’S JESSE?

The most successful black woman in the history of American politics is called a “coon” in public, and nary a word from His Royal Blackness! A black woman who has realized every dream of MLK’s “I Have a Dream” speech is called a “coon”, and Jesse has absolutely nothing to say!!! A woman who is a living personification of the civil rights movement of the 50’s and 60’s is called a “coon” in public, and Jesse is nowhere to be found! Deafening silence, indeed, but this goes higher than Jesse.

Jesse is merely a puppet of the liberal elite, nothing more than the alpha slave on the Liberal plantation. He speaks when told to speak. His public performances and diatribes are nothing more than a service to his Master, the Democratic Party. He gave up being an independent black man a long time ago in exchange for a prominent role as a Democrat puppet and comes to the defense of only the blacks who serve the same master he does, and politics trumps color in the case of Condoleeza Rice. Jesse knows full well who puts food on his table, and Jesse is the real sellout here. If Rush Limbaugh called Barack Obama a “coon”, you can bet your ass the liberal elite would unstrap the gimp and Jesse would be in full attack mode... “sick-em, Jesse!” He’s nothing more than a loyal dog. He barks when told to bark. The Dems give him a warm bed in the farm house as long as he keeps the rest of the constituency in line. He and his supposed civil rights crowd are nothing more than tools of the liberal elite, cotton-pickers for the Democratic Party, and you can bet your ass they’d toss him out of the house if he ever came to the defense of a runaway slave like Condoleeza Rice.

Instead of championing people like Condi, Colin Powell, Alberto Gonzalez, and Clarence Thomas; Democrats (the supposed party of the minority) tear them down and demonize them to the point they make criminals out of them. They do this because the success of these individuals is a grave threat to the perpetuated Democrat myth that the only way to salvation for minorities is to embrace Democrat policies. It is a severe threat to the power of their race card when a minority finds success outside the Democratic plantation.

In a related story, last week Cynthia McKinney, a black congresswoman from GA, was stopped by a security guard at the Capitol building in Washington and was asked to identify herself after she had bypassed the metal detectors without showing her ID. The security guard on duty at the time did not recognize her. According to eyewitness reports, the security guard asked her very politely to please stop and show her ID. When she ignored this request the guard grabbed her by the arm, and she responded by punching him in the chest. She has of course played her race card saying that she was profiled because she was black, and her lawyer has said something to the extent that her only crime was being a black congresswoman.

Two points need to be made here. First of all, she’s missing the forest for the trees. She’s a woman, a BLACK woman, and she is in CONGRESS! Tough life indeed. What a terrible racist country we have where a black woman would be in Congress! She’s complaining about how hard it is to be a black congresswoman as though she’s some kind of modern day Rosa Parks just trying to get a seat on the bus! All this from a woman who has a front row seat on the congressional gravy train...we should all be so unfortunate. Has she ever wondered how hard it is to be a security guard making $10 an hour and being accused of bigotry by a spoon fed race-monger just for doing his job? She wasn’t stopped because she was black. She was stopped because she bypassed the metal detector without her ID and ignored the request of the security guard to identify herself. She is the real racist here. Hiding behind the color of her skin and using the color of the security guard’s skin to transfer guilt from herself to the security guard is the real racism. Black, white, or candy striped, I don’t care. Cynthia McKinney broke the law and assaulted an innocent man who was simply doing his job. If Tom DeLay had punched a black cop you can bet Cynthia McKinney would be screaming from the top of the mountain.


Blogger Dawglicious said...

Amen, brother. When I lived in ATL that beeyatch was my congressperson. I think I was the first to crossover in the primary two years ago to vote for Denise Majette. What else is sad is how her constituents continuously support her no matter what she says or does. "She does a good job" and "she's up there fighting for us" is the usual crap we hear from the barbershops when the news truck rolls around.

What do you think about the Duke Lacrosse team? They swabbed every member of the team for DNA except one...guess who got off the hook?

6:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right on Brother J79...You the man

6:51 AM  
Blogger Jay said...

Well, I guess some animals are more equal than others.
Sorry to quote Animal Farm but it goes to point.

7:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suggest that J-79 begin using some restraint within their blogspot. As many of you already know and I’m sure that many more are becoming aware, freedom of speech is no longer recognized by the current administration as an inalienable right.

10:10 PM  
Blogger J-79 said...

Please elaborate, Craig.

12:43 AM  

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