Craig, Mexicans, and Another Kennedy Car Crash
Oh boy, it’s a grab-bag of fun in this edition of J-79.
In response to my last post, Craig had this to say,
“I suggest that J-79 begin using some restraint within their blogspot. As many of you already know and I’m sure that many more are becoming aware, freedom of speech is no longer recognized by the current administration as an inalienable right.”
I love it! I’ve pissed off a liberal! I have arrived!
Anyways, kind of ironic that a supposed free speech advocate is telling me to use restraint with my words. I’ve asked him to elaborate on that statement, but I’ve gotten no response. So I’m going to go ahead and address this issue.
First of all, Craig, don’t associate my opinions with that of the Bush administration. I don’t speak for Bush. I voted for him, but I don’t have a blind myrmidonical allegiance to everything he says or does. I’ll defend him when I think he’s right, and I’ll criticize him when I think he’s wrong. That’s what we call “intellectual honesty”, i.e., the integrity of an individual mind to disagree with the collective ideology of the larger group with which he might be generically associated. You should try it. I’m in the business of ideas, not politics or political parties, and in my world the right to free speech is NOT contingent on the politics of the speaker. You are welcome at J-79 24-7. You can come here and say whatever you want. And please do.
And lastly, I’ll bet you my left testicle you couldn’t find a left wing website that would offer me the same invitation for debate that I’ve offered you here. You came by my website and told me to shut up, and I invited you back. Remember that when you think about free speech.
On to the Mexicans…
Before we get going, I thought it was funny the other day when I read a headline that said, “Bush’s Spanish Not That Good.” Evidently there’s not a Spanish word for “strategery” or “misunderestimated”. Does anyone remember when JFK went to Germany and said, “Ich bin ein Berliner”, which translated means, “I am a jelly doughnut”? At least Bush didn’t tell all of Mexico that he is a Cheesy Bean Burrito.
The funniest thing is when you come across a Mexican who can’t speak a lick of English, and you think that if you start speaking English with a Mexican accent he’s gonna understand you. We’ve all done it, but it’s still funny. It’s like some China man coming to Tennessee and speaking Chinese with a southern drawl… kwan’yall cyungpan’yall wangchu’yall; and you’re thinking, “what the hell’s he saying, just give him an egg roll, some wonton soup, and a burrito.”
Anyways, it needs to be said that enforcing immigration laws is neither anti-immigrant nor racist. But that didn’t stop Jesse. There he was front and center, leading the march down Main Street like he was some kind of Mexican MLK. Just another example that Jesse doesn’t march for blacks, he marches for the Democratic Party.
But here’s the point I want to make. A lot of the talk show pundits out there are saying that the answer to illegal immigration is for the government to impose stiff penalties on businesses that hire illegal immigrants, arguing that if illegals are denied employment, they would just go back to Mexico. That’s total bullshizzle. That logic is as wrong as wrong can be, because it is based in the false belief that the government will actually enforce those penalties against employers. The people who think that government sanctions against businesses that hire illegals will deter illegal immigration are dead ass wrong.
First of all, if the government won’t enforce the immigration laws that exist, what makes you think they’ll enforce illegal worker laws against the businesses that hire them! THEY WON’T! It’s that simple. The government, as it currently stands, is going to do absolutely NOTHING about illegal immigration. There’s some 20 million of them here now. For a politician, that’s a ton of people to piss off either directly (by strictly enforcing immigration laws) or indirectly (by enacting laws that make it impossible for them to get work).
Secondly, let’s assume for a minute that passing the buck to the business owners is a viable solution. How long do you think it would take for some civil rights attorney to take up the case of a worker who was discriminated against because he is a “non-American”? If you can’t see that coming, you better wake up.
This problem won’t be solved until politicians stop being politicians and start being what they should be, agents of the laws of the United States of America. A landscaping business should not be burdened with the duties of the INS. One of the main responsibilities of our government is to protect the integrity of our borders. A government that refuses to do that has no right to pass the buck to the business owners. If I’m a contractor or a landscaper, I’m telling the government, “Screw you, we have immigration laws, and it’s not my job to enforce them, if they’re here and they want to work, I’m assuming that you’ve done your job and that they’re here legally. I’ll do my job, you do yours.”
The only solution is for us to force our leaders to DO THEIR JOB! Enforce the laws that exist. If you’re here illegally, you’re breaking the law and you’re going home. Since when did respecting and enforcing our laws become so unattractive to politicians? ISN'T THAT THEIR JOB!!!!!
Lastly, for those of you who haven’t heard the story, Patrick Kennedy, Congressman from Rhode Island and son of Senator Ted Kennedy, crashed his car last night around 3:00 am. but at least he kept it out of the drink. According to reports, his car was traveling at a high rate of speed when he swerved into the wrong lane and then hit a barrier. When he got out he was staggering and his speech was slurred. He told one officer at the scene that he was a congressman and was “late for a vote”. He was given neither a breatholizer nor a field sobriety test, and was taken home by one of the officers.
Today he released a statement saying that the accident was caused by the side effects of Ambien, a prescription sleep aid he was taking. He said, "I simply do not remember getting out of bed, being pulled over by the police or being cited for three driving infractions." Bullshit! If he was taking a prescription sleeping aid, his ass would have been in bed at 3:00 am! Thousands of people take Ambien, and he’s the first one I’ve seen who wakes up in the middle of the night, puts on a suit and tie, goes to the bar, and runs his car off the road. That’s one bad side effect. Either the FDA needs to reevaluate Ambien, or Patrick Kennedy is lying his ass off. You be the judge.
In response to my last post, Craig had this to say,
“I suggest that J-79 begin using some restraint within their blogspot. As many of you already know and I’m sure that many more are becoming aware, freedom of speech is no longer recognized by the current administration as an inalienable right.”
I love it! I’ve pissed off a liberal! I have arrived!
Anyways, kind of ironic that a supposed free speech advocate is telling me to use restraint with my words. I’ve asked him to elaborate on that statement, but I’ve gotten no response. So I’m going to go ahead and address this issue.
First of all, Craig, don’t associate my opinions with that of the Bush administration. I don’t speak for Bush. I voted for him, but I don’t have a blind myrmidonical allegiance to everything he says or does. I’ll defend him when I think he’s right, and I’ll criticize him when I think he’s wrong. That’s what we call “intellectual honesty”, i.e., the integrity of an individual mind to disagree with the collective ideology of the larger group with which he might be generically associated. You should try it. I’m in the business of ideas, not politics or political parties, and in my world the right to free speech is NOT contingent on the politics of the speaker. You are welcome at J-79 24-7. You can come here and say whatever you want. And please do.
And lastly, I’ll bet you my left testicle you couldn’t find a left wing website that would offer me the same invitation for debate that I’ve offered you here. You came by my website and told me to shut up, and I invited you back. Remember that when you think about free speech.
On to the Mexicans…
Before we get going, I thought it was funny the other day when I read a headline that said, “Bush’s Spanish Not That Good.” Evidently there’s not a Spanish word for “strategery” or “misunderestimated”. Does anyone remember when JFK went to Germany and said, “Ich bin ein Berliner”, which translated means, “I am a jelly doughnut”? At least Bush didn’t tell all of Mexico that he is a Cheesy Bean Burrito.
The funniest thing is when you come across a Mexican who can’t speak a lick of English, and you think that if you start speaking English with a Mexican accent he’s gonna understand you. We’ve all done it, but it’s still funny. It’s like some China man coming to Tennessee and speaking Chinese with a southern drawl… kwan’yall cyungpan’yall wangchu’yall; and you’re thinking, “what the hell’s he saying, just give him an egg roll, some wonton soup, and a burrito.”
Anyways, it needs to be said that enforcing immigration laws is neither anti-immigrant nor racist. But that didn’t stop Jesse. There he was front and center, leading the march down Main Street like he was some kind of Mexican MLK. Just another example that Jesse doesn’t march for blacks, he marches for the Democratic Party.
But here’s the point I want to make. A lot of the talk show pundits out there are saying that the answer to illegal immigration is for the government to impose stiff penalties on businesses that hire illegal immigrants, arguing that if illegals are denied employment, they would just go back to Mexico. That’s total bullshizzle. That logic is as wrong as wrong can be, because it is based in the false belief that the government will actually enforce those penalties against employers. The people who think that government sanctions against businesses that hire illegals will deter illegal immigration are dead ass wrong.
First of all, if the government won’t enforce the immigration laws that exist, what makes you think they’ll enforce illegal worker laws against the businesses that hire them! THEY WON’T! It’s that simple. The government, as it currently stands, is going to do absolutely NOTHING about illegal immigration. There’s some 20 million of them here now. For a politician, that’s a ton of people to piss off either directly (by strictly enforcing immigration laws) or indirectly (by enacting laws that make it impossible for them to get work).
Secondly, let’s assume for a minute that passing the buck to the business owners is a viable solution. How long do you think it would take for some civil rights attorney to take up the case of a worker who was discriminated against because he is a “non-American”? If you can’t see that coming, you better wake up.
This problem won’t be solved until politicians stop being politicians and start being what they should be, agents of the laws of the United States of America. A landscaping business should not be burdened with the duties of the INS. One of the main responsibilities of our government is to protect the integrity of our borders. A government that refuses to do that has no right to pass the buck to the business owners. If I’m a contractor or a landscaper, I’m telling the government, “Screw you, we have immigration laws, and it’s not my job to enforce them, if they’re here and they want to work, I’m assuming that you’ve done your job and that they’re here legally. I’ll do my job, you do yours.”
The only solution is for us to force our leaders to DO THEIR JOB! Enforce the laws that exist. If you’re here illegally, you’re breaking the law and you’re going home. Since when did respecting and enforcing our laws become so unattractive to politicians? ISN'T THAT THEIR JOB!!!!!
Lastly, for those of you who haven’t heard the story, Patrick Kennedy, Congressman from Rhode Island and son of Senator Ted Kennedy, crashed his car last night around 3:00 am. but at least he kept it out of the drink. According to reports, his car was traveling at a high rate of speed when he swerved into the wrong lane and then hit a barrier. When he got out he was staggering and his speech was slurred. He told one officer at the scene that he was a congressman and was “late for a vote”. He was given neither a breatholizer nor a field sobriety test, and was taken home by one of the officers.
Today he released a statement saying that the accident was caused by the side effects of Ambien, a prescription sleep aid he was taking. He said, "I simply do not remember getting out of bed, being pulled over by the police or being cited for three driving infractions." Bullshit! If he was taking a prescription sleeping aid, his ass would have been in bed at 3:00 am! Thousands of people take Ambien, and he’s the first one I’ve seen who wakes up in the middle of the night, puts on a suit and tie, goes to the bar, and runs his car off the road. That’s one bad side effect. Either the FDA needs to reevaluate Ambien, or Patrick Kennedy is lying his ass off. You be the judge.
In my opinion, the most recent post initially shined with poignant arguments, but fizzled to thoughtless rants as it progressed. It seems not that you have pissed off a liberal, but that a liberal is driving your blood pressure higher than the national debt.
1) It seems that the part aimed in my general direction was composed and delivered with a Patrick Henry-esque, silver-tongued approach. One question: Have you received your one hundred dollar rebate from your native son yet? I’m saving mine for an Alaskan cruise. I would like to see the frozen tundra prior to its rape and sodomization, by big oil.
2) All that these “Mexicans” want is a little appreciation for the work that they do, jobs that Americans somewhere along the way have become too good for. America is the land of milk and honey; at least it is in the Latino community it is. The last time I checked, imitation was still the highest form of flattery. Let’s all think about that for a second. By the way, would a Spanish version of the national anthem really be a disgrace? If you think so, the next time you watch a playoff baseball game, one that shows the 7th inning stretch festivities, apply the following lyrics:
“God save our gracious Queen,
Long live our noble Queen,”
3) The last topic reminds me of the current administration’s foreign policy, shoot first and maybe we will be out of office prior to any repercussions. No reliable intelligence is a gross understatement, so here you go:
Ambien facts:
Documented Ambien side effects:
What did I tell you about stereotyping? As a good liberal, you should know that stereotyping is bad.
Didn't I ask you not to blindly associate me with any policy or decision made by anyone in the Republican Party? Don't be a political racist.
Don't lay Frist's $100 handout at my feet. Its rediculous, I agree, and besides, I wouldn't qualify for it because I have a job. This is Bill Frist doing his best impersonation of a Democrat, which is why I'm so confused by your reply. Since when did a liberal oppose a government handout?
Money for health care, money for child care, money for retirement, money for food...that's all fine and dandy, but by god don't insult our self reliance by giving us gas money! We can ride our bikes to the store, and they'll still honor our food stamps! WE DON'T NEED YOUR CHARITY!
What a self sufficient group ya'll are! Take a stand, Craig! You go, boy.
As for the "rape and sodomization" thing...very thoughtful. ANWR is about the size of South Carolina, and the area set aside for oil exploration is about the size of an airport. "Rape and sodomization"? C'mon Craig. You need your oil checked.
As for the Mexican national anthem thing, I think there are more important issues at hand, but look on the bright side. As long as the Neocons are wrapped up in the anthem issue, that gives them less time to rob poor people, melt Antarctica, poison the lakes, wage Christian Jihads, kick puppies, and all the other bad things they do.
And by the way, don't send me any more links to your websites. If they come from you, I know what they're gonna say. Speak for yourself.
"The only solution is for us to force our leaders to DO THEIR JOB!"
Well said!
But instaed of lumping ALL the Demcratic party under the heading "liberal" (a dirty word)and blaming them,lets work together to see what we can do to enforce your statement above....can't wait for football season and J-79
Liberal is not a dirty word. I can't wait for football season. Get your own damn blog, Craig.
a non partisan question, if you can view a non republican question as such, didn't bush have a few cabnet members rejected his first trip through office due to their personal use of illegal immigrants? and doesn't this issue seem to be pushed when the stress of an exit strategy in iraq comes up, kind of like gay marriage. sounds like more time has been spent on an exit strategy from critisizm than from occupation.
I love this posting and the entire blog. Keep up the good work.
Funny enough, I feel that when the real issues do get brought up, it's like the wizard of oz..."pay no attention to that man behind the curtain..." then they slap out the gay marriage, iraq exit, and a dozen other issues that no one is talking about at the present moment.
Officially, I am pissed that anyone thinks it's ok to come to America and not at least TRY to learn the language. If I went to Germany, I am sure that they would be pissed if I spoke yiddish and if expected them to learn it for my convenience.
I hope all is well in Georgia
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