Monday, August 28, 2006

Told You So!!!

I mention very often the “J-79 Perspective” and the “J-79 Bullshit Filter”. As the foremost writer of politico-sport commentary (I made that word up), prophecy is my blessing and my curse. It’s the yin and yang of J-79. It’s why I enjoy this, and it’s why I hate it. Sometimes being right all the time can be hard on you (except for my yearly predictions that UT will be national champion). We’re sizing rings for ’06.

Last year I shed a glaring bright light of J-79 perspective on the NCAA Mascot Ban and told you very specifically what this would eventually lead to if left to run the natural evolutional course of political correctness. If you haven’t read that article, scroll down to the bottom of this page and read it before you continue. Even if you have read it, read it again to refresh…

What I predicted would happen is happening right now on a much larger scale.

According to an AP report, the NCAA is looking very hard at the State of South Carolina, and is considering expanding its ban of championship events in South Carolina because the Confederate flag is displayed on Statehouse grounds.

Robert Vowels Jr., the head of the NCAA’s Minority Opportunities and Interest Committee, said his group received a request from the Black Coaches Association (more on them in a minute) about expanding the ban to prevent postseason events from being awarded to South Carolina sites.

Don’t say you weren’t warned. I told you this was coming.

Did I not tell you very clearly that this Mascot Ban would eventually expand beyond just Native American mascots into anything deemed insensitive or politically incorrect? I know how these people think. When you get beyond the specific language of the Mascot Ban and examine the broader ideas and philosophies of people who pass rules like this, it’s not too hard to see what’s coming next. It doesn’t take a genius to figure it out. Nothing is safe anymore. Mascots, flags, fight songs, helmet decals…its open season boys. You heard it here first a year ago.

Heed the prophecies of J-79.

And yes, I am tooting my own horn. After all, I am the one who blew the horn on this Mascot bullshit in the first place. Wooooooo Woooooo!!! That’s the sound of the Chattanooga Choo Choo train of common sense and clear thought coming right at’cha!!! Get out the way lest you be knocked upside the head with the locomotive of truth! Chugga Chugga, Mo-fugga! Woooooo Woooooo!!! Don’t ignore the J-79 horn of truth.

Time for some deeper J-79 perspective on this issue, you’ll only get it here…I’ve done my research on this, and it’s not pretty. The J-79 antenna is up, and we’re catching some bad vibes here.

This goes beyond college football. The Black Coaches Association is an arm of the NAACP that extends beyond just coaches and beyond college sports, as demonstrated by this investigation into the State of South Carolina. The BCA is simply a political tool in the NAACP tool box. The Mascot Ban gave the NAACP a quasi-legal opening to use college sports and the BCA as a means to a political end, and they’re swinging that hammer. In a letter to the BCA’s spokesman, Floyd Keith, the NAACP said this, “We fully support having the NCAA ban all championship sporting events from being held in South Carolina, including baseball, golf, tennis and other sports while the NAACP tourism sanctions are in place.”

Allow me to translate that for you. “Floyd, be a good boy and go do what we want you to do, and use the Mascot Ban to do it.”

And what does Floyd Keith do? He gets his marching orders from the NAACP and uses the broader ideas of the Mascot Ban to assist the NAACP to force changes outside the bounds of college sports. They’ve turned college sports into a political battleground. They want the Confederate flag taken down, and they’ll hold college sports hostage if that’s what it takes…DISPICABLE!!!

I would be remiss to ignore the fact that the NAACP has been meddling in college sports long before the Mascot Ban, but policies like this and groups like the BCA make it even more likely that college sports will be hijacked by special interest political groups…

How long till they figure out that the Crimson St. Andrew’s Cross on the state flag of Alabama was patterned after the Confederate Flag? Watch out, fellas…

I told you so!!! Woooooo Woooooo!!!

On to football…

While the rest of the SEC will still have the training wheels on this weekend, kudos to the Vols and Dores for actually playing somebody who doesn’t squat when they pee.

Cal’s a good team, but Marshawn Lynch is a PAC TEN puss who hasn’t seen Neyland Stadium, and he hasn’t seen a Johnny Chavis Defense. The Vols send a message on Saturday…WE’RE BACK!!! UT-27 Cal 13.

As for UGA, Joe T. sat the bench for four years for a reason. Take your lumps for a year and let the wonder boy, Stafford, take the snaps. Don’t waste a season and have to start over in ’07. Richt shouldn’t make Joe T. the charity starter for the season opener if he knows in his gut that Stafford is the man for the future. I’m not saying its “rebuilding time” at all, but let the kid play!

I saw a Vandy preview show yesterday, and they were talking about the “post-Cutler” era as though Vandy was some kind of national powerhouse while Cutler was there. As great as Cutler was (The Titans shoulda took him), Vandy still sucked during his four years, and they’re really gonna suck this year.

Basketball season starts in a few months in Lexington.

Urban needs to get URBAN! The honky-ass offense he ran at Utah was very Sub-Urban, and it didn’t quite cut it in last year in the SEC. We’re fast, really fast, and that slow-developing spread option offense needs some fine tuning. It’s kinda like a Wing-T except the tight ends are replaced by wide receivers. To me it’s just a simple modification of a high school offense. If they don’t show any improvement, I’m going to start a petition for them to play on Friday nights.

Don’t really know much about the SEC West except that Auburn has a really good team and they once again managed to squeeze a 1-AA team into the schedule. Personally I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that, but given the outcome of the BCS in 2004, you’d think they learned their lesson. I hate the BCS, but if you want to play for it all, you can’t schedule 1-AA teams. It shouldn’t be that way, but under the BCS system, when you’re Auburn and you have the bad taste of 2004 in your mouth, where scheduling Western Kentucky alone kept them out of the BCS Championship, you’d think they learned their lesson…apparently not. Auburn will get no sympathy from me this season if they’re on the outside looking in. I don’t care how good they are. For some people, “We shoulda played for the title” is a lot better than, “We played for the title and got beat.” Not to take away anything from the undefeated team of 04, but geez, learn your lesson boys.

To end, Mr. and Mrs. J-79 are expecting a boy in January; we saw the twig and berries last week. If the newsletters are less frequent I apologize, but the message board is always open. Knock yourselves out. We’ve got a bunch of passionate college football fans on this forum, so it should be fun. College football, politics, or a combination of both, it’s all good here. Right, Left, UT, UGA, Bama, etc….all are welcome at J-79!!!

Fire up the message board.

Screw the mascots, the flags, and everybody else…When it comes to the South, we know football, by damn.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you back! CONGRATS ON THE BABY BOY, your life is getting ready to change, BIG TIME.

7:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shane you should spend more time preparing for you future heir and less time on old school football newsletters, I hope you and Marcie remember that it needs to fed every now and then.

11:14 AM  
Blogger Dawglicious said...

Love the post...have forwarded the link to some Dawg and Tide types in Birmingham.

Just to prove I'm not a total VOL hater, I will be pulling for UT and Tech this weekend. God help me.

9:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Waiting on the report on the Air Force game!

6:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12:57 AM  

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